This is a fun league for both Men & Woman aged 55+. This league runs every Monday morning with Crossover Tee Times beginning at 8:00am except for Holiday Mondays. We invite Seniors of all skill levels to share in this weekly league.
Here are the details of the league:
SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE (April 28 - September 22, 2025)
- Annual Registration Fee of $80 + GST / Player (both members & non-members)
- No Golf Holiday Mondays (May 19, August 4, September 1)
- Crossover Tee Times beginning at 8:00am in prime season
- 18 Holes only available
- Weekly Fee (18 Holes): $55 + GST / Player
- Weekly Fee includes Golf, Shared Power Cart & Prizes
- Lunch specials available each week
- Walking Rates available
- Fun Formats each game & Weekly Prizes
- BONUS: 10% off indoor golf simulator rates during the winter months (November - March).
- Maximum 96 Golfers
Registration Process
- February 1 - February 9: All of last seasons league participants may register for their respective league. All participants must register and pay on or before February 9 to reserve their spot.
- February 10 - February 16: We will contact those (in order on waiting list) until the leagues are filled.
- February 17th on: Leagues are open to the public if spots still remain.
If you wish to be put on the waiting list for 2025, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 403-938-4200 ext. 205.
Payment Options:
1) Etransfer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (don't forget GST)
2) Payment in person: Available in the indoor golf area (north side of the green building). Hours are Monday/Tuesday 6:00pm-8:30pm, Saturday 1:00pm-4:00pm, Sunday 10:00am-2:00pm. Visa/MC, Debit, Cash & Cheque are acceptable payment types.
3) Cheque by mail: River's Edge Golf Club PO Box 160 Okotoks, AB T1S1A5.